Do you have enough assets to enjoy your preferred lifestyle?
With careful planning, you can make sure your money outlasts you.
There are many different options available: RRSPs, TFSAs, CPP, annuities, investment funds and more. All of these things exist to help you grow your assets so you can invest in your future.
Retirement Plan
About half of Canadians hope to retire before age 60, but hope is not a plan. What is your retirement plan? Find out about the seven key strategies…
A Registered Retirement Savings Plan is a retirement plan that is registered with the federal government and that you or your spouse or…
Estate Planning
Many people assume that estate planning is only for the wealthy. So, it must come as a shock to the families of all the Canadians who die every…
A Register Retirement Income Fund is an investment plan, established in accordance with Government of Canada requirements, into which…
A will is a written document, properly signed, which: (1)specifies who is to administer the estate (the executor), (2) specifies what is…
The Tax Free Savings Account is a registered savings account that allows taxpayers to earn investment income tax-free inside the…
A Life Income Fund (LIF) is a retirement income plan using locked-in pension money and the owner of the LIF can control the investments held…
Annuities are one of the simplest investment vehicles one could acquire. Simply put, when you establish an annuity, you are purchasing…
The Locked-In Retirement Account (LIRA) and Locked-In Retirement Savings Plan (LRSP) enable you, as an employee to maintain the…
After years of living the “rat race”, you are looking forward…
You are more experienced now, your bank account is larger,…
During the last market downturn a few years ago, retirees who…
Many people assume that estate planning is only for the…
Proper analysis is vital to ensure that you aren’t paying too…
If you are just starting out, it’s easy to…
You get home from work, your spouse is…
Many people assume that estate planning is only for the…
During the last market downturn, retirees who…
Proper analysis is vital to ensure that you aren’t paying too…